This immersive interactive experience was created to promote Amplifons’ innovative directional hearing aid technology. The main goal of the piece is to express the beauty and importance of being able to hear the everyday sounds in the world around us.




Relying completely on their sense of hearing, the user is challenged to pinpoint the source of the sounds as they explore a series of 3D sonic environments. Once the user has clicked to guess, the audio world is transformed into a vivid and dreamlike watercolour environment.






Guesses by other users can be viewed, with final scores compared based on age and gender, which both have a significant effect on the level of natural hearing deterioration.



Each of the 3D scenes was developed by wrapping a flat image around the inside of a spherical web GL environment. Using the web audio API, audio samples were positioned relating to the sounds in the environment. The amplitude, panning and filter values of each audio clip is altered in real time, as the user drags around the sphere, creating a 3D sonic experience.


Picture 5


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